Brownian particle

  • 网络布朗粒子;布朗颗粒
Brownian particleBrownian particle
  1. Study of the escape problem of a Brownian particle in a potential well


  2. Effect of internal noise on nonlinear relaxation for brownian particle


  3. Dynamic analysis for a Brownian particle in optical trap


  4. Results indicate that the Brownian particle obeys Boltzmann distribution ;


  5. Stationary Probability Density of Brownian Particle Driven by OU Colored Noise


  6. Stationary solution of motion of active Brownian particle


  7. Through the numerical simulation , a direct stepping motion curve of single Brownian particle is obtained .


  8. The investigation on the transport processes of Brownian particle provides theoretical guidance for developing molecular motors .


  9. The escape of Brownian particle over potential barriers


  10. Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Undamped Brownian Particle 's Two-dimensional Motion


  11. The average feature of the transport for a Brownian particle moving in a ratchet periodic potential is studied .


  12. For the single Brownian particle case , we give unified perturbative analytic expressions valid for both large and small friction cases .


  13. The equation of the Brownian particle activated in two-dimension space is an partial differential equation with two-order of two-dimension .


  14. The direct motion of Brownian particle is considered as a result of system derived by external non-equilibrium fluctuation . A corresponding diffusion model is proposed .


  15. The underdamped motion of the Brownian particle in a tilted periodic potential was mulated by Runge-Kutta algorithms .


  16. In recent years , the research on the transport of Brownian particle driven by fluctuation in periodic structure system has become the foreland problem of the non-equilibrium statistical physics .


  17. This result exhibits that the cooperative effects caused by asymmetric ratchet potential , external flashing force and additive colored noise set a Brownian particle in the directed stepping motion .


  18. Direct motion of the single motor protein is treated as motion of Brownian particle in the paper . The expansion of sationary probability current is derived for the Brownian particle driven by internal and external noises simultaneously .


  19. Thirdly , the transport phenomenon of Brownian particle induced by noise in a periodic system is investigated when the coupling and multiplicative noise are included in the system . The current and the optimized efficiency are investigated when the forced ratchet is driven by the coupled noise .


  20. Application of fractional Brownian motion particle tracking model to coastal contaminant dispersion


  21. The elastic collision mechanism of Brownian motion is studied , and the equipartition of kinetic energy of Brownian particle has been proved .


  22. Studying brownian motion by the difference equation , We can find that the partial differential equation describing the brownian particle motion is a diffusion equation in mathematical physics .
